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"Elder law" is a broad term. Our specific areas of practice (for all ages) include but are not limited to:

-Estate Planning (simple and complex)




-Trust Administration

-Special Needs Planning and Trusts

-Long Term Care Planning

and more 


(scroll down for more info)


Estate planning is for everyone, but there is no “one size fits all”.  Every situation is dynamic just like you and your family.


A good estate plan should consider both the inevitability of death and the possibility of disability and should make the subsequent management of your financial and personal affairs easy for your loved ones. It should provide peace of mind about who takes care of your affairs, and what happens to your assets upon your death, while also ensuring that your wishes are followed.


We will assist you by considering and addressing the technical aspects of your situation while explaining and utilizing documents that really make sense for you and your family.


There are five main items typically considered in creating an estate plan. Those may include a Durable Power of Attorney (for financial and/or Medical), Health Care Directive (also known as “Living Will”), Community Property Agreement, Last Will, and Trust (we have many different Trusts at our disposal). 


We will customize your plan specifically for your situation and family's needs.  Please contact us to find out how we can help you. 


Guardianship and/or Conservatorship for Adults:
Guardianship is a legal process where a court appoints a guardian for a person who is unable to make their own decisions for personal management.


Conservatorship is a legal process where a court appoints a Conservator for a person who is unable to make their own decisions for financial management.


Guardianship and/or Conservatorship can be inevitable when there is no other lesser restrictive alternative, such as a power of attorney in place, or upon attainment of majority of a young person who is not able to sign a Power of Attorney. It can also be an effective option for a person who is unable to manage their own care or finances, who may be a victim of exploitation. Once a Guardian and/or Conservator is appointed, the court will continue to monitor the Guardian/Conservator, ensuring protection for the person in their care.  The process of appointing a Guardian or Conservator can be simple but can also be complex, especially if it is contested. Our team will assist the Guardian and/or Conservator with all aspects, from deciding whether guardianship and/or Conservatorship is necessary to the court appointment process to ongoing representation once appointed.


Guardianship and/or Conservatorship for Minor children:

Guardianship and/or Conservatorship of a minor is a legal process where a court appoints a representative for a child under the age of 18. A minor may need a guardian of the person when the minor has no living parents. A minor may need a Conservator when he or she has received, or is about to receive, significant money or property from a settlement or inheritance. We assist with all aspects of guardianship  and/or Conservatorship for a minor, from deciding whether either (or both) is necessary to the court appointment process to ongoing representation of a guardian and/or Conservator.


Carol Hunter and Catherine Kardong are each on the Spokane County Superior Court Court Visitor (formerly known as Guardian ad Litem) Registry and serve as Court Visitor and Independent Counsel in guardianship and/or Conservatorship matters, on a Court appointed basis.



Long-term care is a range of services and support systems you or your family member may need to meet health or personal needs over a long period of time, such as in-home care, assisted living, or nursing home care. 

Long-term care planning involves deciding on a plan for in the event such care is a necessity. Starting the process of long-term care planning before you need it allows you to learn about the services and options available, given your personal, estate and financial circumstances. While long-term care government benefits are federally funded, they are state managed. This means that it is important to use an elder law professional fully knowledgeable about the rules in the state in which you live. 

Our team will assist with all aspects of a long-term care plan, so it is there when you or your family member needs it.


Please contact us to find out how we can help you.



When a loved one dies, there is not only the grieving process, but also the need to determine how to manage the decedent’s estate, and who should do so. 

Often the estate planning documents will lay out the decedent’s preferences in this regard, but there may be a variety of ways the estate can be administered. 

Whether your loved one left a Last Will, Trust, or neither, our team will assist by reviewing the decedent’s documents, assets, and circumstances with you to guide you with all aspects of administration, whether it be a small estate affidavit, court involved probate estate, or trust administration.

Our team will also assist when you are not administering the estate, but rather receiving funds from an estate and/or trust, so that you can feel confident you are being treated fairly and as your deceased loved one intended.


Please contact us to find out how we can help you.



Proper planning for those we love with special needs can make a significant difference for them during their lives, to enable them to maintain eligibility for public benefits, while ensuring a vehicle to provide for any needs not covered by government benefits.

It is important to use an elder law professional fully knowledgeable about the special needs rules for the state in which you live.  We will review your loved one’s special needs and your goals and help you to create a plan for their current and future needs.


Please contact us to find out how we can help you.

Hunter Estate & Elder Law, PLLC


Hunter Elder Law, PLLC

Phone: 509-747-0101

Patsy Clark Mansion

2208 West Second Ave.

Spokane, WA 99201


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